How the 16th Personality Test Increases Team Collaboration.

The Executive is known for their mentorship mindset, ability to give direction during difficult paths, and refusal to give up.

16th personalities test

The 16th personalities is a personality test based on a questionnaire to categorize personalities into a profile. It categorises the profile into categories like Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels & Explorers. The test is based on the Meyers-Briggs type-indicator (MBTI) is a self-report questionnaire that categorizes individuals into sixteen distinct or personality types”.

Analysts are known for their rationality, impartiality, and intellectual intelligence. Diplomats are known for their empathy, diplomatic skills, and passionate idealism. Sentinels are known for their practicality and focus on order, security and stability. Explorers are known for their spontaneity, ingenuity, and flexibility.

The 16th personalities is a personality test based on a questionnaire to categorize personalities into a profile. It categorises the profile into categories like Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels & Explorers.

What is the purpose of the Test?

While I worked in a Corporate & Dynamic Team environment, a psychologist came over to our agile team to observe and show the team dynamics into our team. To enhance team dynamics and improve the collaboration level, it is essential to understand the dynamics of a team and provide in-depth information from an external into possible roles and characteristics.

If you want to improve team collaboration, you first need to have an understanding of the profiles that are found in your particular team.

Personally, I advise every Product Owner or Manager to let their team members take a Personality Test. Based on a Personality Test you start to give insight into people their strengths and weaknesses. The fact that one of your team members has a particular weakness, means that the other person can collaborate to increase quality as an outcome, and prevent that this weakness will set the tone for the project.

The Executive is a natural leader who provides help to their neighbours. This personality type is aware of their surroundings and lives in a world of clear, verifiable facts.

Leading by Example

As the Personality Test of an ESTJ-T you represent order, utalizing what is wrong or right, and accetable into a project, family or community. Embracing the values of honesty and dedication. The Executive is known based on their mentorship mindset, the ability of giving direction during difficult paths, and they won’t give up.

The Executive is a natural leader that provides help to their neighbors. This personality type is aware of their surroundings and lives in a world of clear, verifiable facts.

And their opinions aren’t just empty talk either, as ESTJs are more than willing to dive into the most challenging projects, improving action plans and sorting details along the way.

The Executive tend to have strong values and rights over what is right or wrong. Thus, people that collaborate with an Executive, might feel judged or rejected easily.


The Executive tend to have strong values and rights over what is right or wrong. Thus, people that collaborate with an Executive, might feel judged or rejected easily. However, decisions are made from a particular perspective that stimulates the project or work collaboration. Due to the dedication and inner responsibility they might experience in a project, they will always decide what is right for the project.

It might be experienced by others as inflexible since everything is proven to be right. The other side is that the executive is loyal and reliable.

If the Executive gives a particular direction to a project, he will be loyal in the execution.

Work Environment

Whether they are working as subordinates, among colleagues, or as managers, they create order, follow the rules, and work to ensure that their work and the work of those around them is completed to the highest standards. If you have an Executive on your team, it will not only increase the Quality of your work but also the team Collaboration.

Executives you May Know like Sonia Sotomayor, John D. Rockefeller, Judge Judy, Ella Baker & Frank Sinatra.

Fulfilling your Profile

I left my Corporate job to fulfill the personality type as an ESTJ. I started Useable Design- a digital provider that elevates digital experiences for corporates, start-ups & entrepreneurs. Collaborate with us on a digital project easily and set-up a meeting yourself.

We will enable you a project demo of one of our executed projects, to provide an insight into the work quality that we provide. We been executing projects in categories like Branding & Design, Development & Digital Marketing.


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