The Power of the Pencil | The Methodology of Bringing Positive Change in a World of Need.

Step Up

American analytics came up with the explanation that only 2% of the world society who are creators, innovators and are bringing positive change to the world. 5% out there, are to proceed innovation from this particular 2%. They are included in top management or on C+ level (CTO, COO or CEO). The other part (93%) of the global population is following the mainstream, thus the crowd.

The most powerful tool in economics is not money, nor even algebra. It is a pencil. Because with a pencil you can redraw the world. — Kate Raworth (Doughnut Economics)

Redrawing the World

Creators or innovators they have the ability to create, to start a business, write an article, develop a software, design a tool, and they are telling their story amidst the mainstream. The communication model from (Schramm) defines that there is an encoder, an interpretation and a decoder. If you tell a story, you have to be sensitive to the decoder that interprets your story or communication to prevent misinterpretation. Those who are able to be in charge of the interpretation, know the target audience that is decoding the story.

Interpretation is based on Culture or Knowledge.

Interpretation of a message, a story- communication is defined by the culture of the decoder, the educational level and the knowledge. We tend to validate sources based on information we are familiar with, based on how culture accepts knowledge, or based on what has been taught to us. The most in-depth campaigns or motivational stories can be brought to us, but if it doesn’t match our perception level, we could ignore or reject the message.

Personal Roadmap

I have a Bachelor in Arts in Communication Studies. I developed a skillset in digital communication. Also, I learned to validate assumptions and become familiar with service design, and psychologic and marketing methodologies to understand the ability to communicate and be emphatic for the person who decodes your message. Thus, user experience design included my specialization, where the user of a service, product or digital journey will be understood and taken track of. Validation methodologies have been brought to life, being able to define the user her journey, roadmap or the touch points they experience with your service or digital product. If you are aware of certain behavior, you have the ability to improve or influence it positively.

Design as Tool

I wrote my thesis as a free project, where I did research on how design could be used as a tool to increase the economics in developing countries. I did research on crowdfunding initiatives and funding. At the other hand, I worked for a scale start-up with academic research from the University of Sheffield on Speech Technology based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I included this speech recorder, that decoded the pupil her speech in the Dutch Language, based on trained systems and machine models. I designed Electric Learning Environments that enhanced pupils’ ability to learn a language. Thus, I used design as a tool- to gain impact in the field of education & design. It required for me the right schooling and educational level.

Left the 99 to Find the 1

I left a corporate job in the financial & insurance industry, where I advised on the digital implementation of digital funnels- to found my design company ‘Useable Design’. I have been working now 5 for years as an enterpreneur. Useable Design her aim & mission is creating a better digital world- where systems, applications, designs for digital purpose, are made useable. We can make it useable for you, by using user-friendly elements and patterns that you are familiar with. We create visually cohesive and appealing designs that enhance user satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Call to Action for A Positive Change

In turbulent times such as division, communism, war, and dictators that are rising (making mis use of following audiences). It is time for leaders that redefine and shape a better world. You don’t make impact without an act. In a society like this, you are irreplaceable. Don’t find your spot amidst the followers. Stand out of the crowd, raise your voice and redraw the world for positive change and impact in your sphere of influence.

Whether it is in education, politics, society, business, health, non-profit, academics, technology or in the arts industry. You can redefine your world. In my case, it was a deep dive of leaving a corporate job and starting my business. In your case it might start by taking your pencil. Now take your pencil, and start to write today.


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